Developing View by the Trinity RiverThe View of Fort Worth is composed of two 5-story apartment complexes that escape about a mile out from downtown Fort Worth, providing a stu
Another Great Project Coming Along in Downtown Fort Worth5th & Summit, located in the heart of downtown Fort Worth, is a 6-story multifamily wrap with two basement levels of parking garage. The
Shrinkage is a Real Problem…for Multi-story Wood Frame Construction.There is a buzz around the construction industry about the benefits of framing multifamily projects up to five stories with wood rather...
Zip System® and the Drainage Plane: How to Correctly Remedy PenetrationsA number of builders use the Zip System® as an alternative to traditional OSB and house wrap since the panels and taped seams create an...
Zero-Lot-Line Homes: Spacing and FirewallsWhen building a zero-lot-line home, a strong understanding of code requirements is critical. As space becomes restricted, additional...
Exceptions to the Rule: A Case for Safety GlazingOne area where Code Officials, Architects and other Construction Professionals often incorrectly interpret the code is as it applies to...